Welcome to OrthodoxHouston.org

This site is organized and promoted by all the Orthodox Christian clergy in the greater Houston, Texas area — from cathedrals, churches, and mission parishes of all canonical Orthodox jurisdictions. If you are interested in finding out more about this ancient and continuing Church of our Lord Jesus Christ, we hope this site will be a valuable resource to you. Browse the parish profiles and find a service to attend near you!

A Brief Introduction to Orthodoxy
The New Testament Church was founded by Jesus Christ and preached by the Apostles. Its beginning dates back to Pentecost, 33 A.D. The Patriarchate of Antioch, for example, was originally founded in A.D. 34 by Saint Peter and Saint Paul, and is referenced in the Bible Acts 11...
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Orthodoxy in the United States
North and South America were colonized by the empire-building nations of Western Europe — which were predominantly either Roman Catholic or Protestant. By the time the immigrants from the Orthodox countries began arriving in large numbers in the early 1900s, Roman Catholic and Protestant churches were permanent fixtures on the American landscape.
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"Behold now, what is so good or so joyous as for brethren to dwell together in unity?"

-Psalm 132[131]:1

Orthodox News From the Area

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Do you have news to report?

If you are a representative of one of the area parishes, please advise OrthodoxHouston.org of news that is of general interest to the larger Orthodox community (including inquirers looking for a parish) in the Greater Houston area. Among other things, we are interested in:
• Clergy changes, including ordinations
• Contact and location changes
• Altar consecrations
• Patronal feastday celebrations
• Guest speakers and hosted events
• Community outreach festivals (like Greek & Slavic festivals)
• Pan-Orthodox events
• Episcopal visits

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What Orthodox Believe
The Creed is the Statement of Faith for all Orthodox Christians. It is also called the "Nicene Creed" or the "Niceo- Constantinopolitan Creed" or simply the "Symbol of Faith."
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© 2009 The Orthodox Clergy Association of Southeast Texas / Orthodox Pages